I divided my time between showing my portfolio around on the convention floor and performing interviews with occasional opportunities to work at my booth.
I am glad you all enjoyed the audio segments I collected while at the show. I wish to extend special thanks to all that had a moment to share with us.
GenCon has a special place in my heart as you can probably tell from these past two episodes. Far from making this into a two episode commercial for the Indianapolis convention, I chose to corner creatives with whom we might not otherwise have an opportunity to speak with on the show.
Much praise must be heaped upon Patrick and Jon for their herculean efforts in wrangling these special episodes with their superior audio-fu!
Many thanks to folks who approached me at the con to offer their compliments to our team. It has been very heartening to learn that our show is making a difference and entertaining you at the same time. :)
Enjoy the pics and we look forward to bringing you more Ninja goodness as we return to our regular recording schedule this week with episode 32!
Look wot my friend, Paul "Prof" Herbert got for me! A little Ninja of me very own! I wore it the whole show. It's all about accessorizing, baby. :)
Diesel LaForce recounts the early days of the GenCon Art Show in a late night interview.
My friend and art hero, Steve Prescott
My buddy, Heather Kreiter!
Drew Baker and Beth Trott
Hanging out with the Norse God of Lighting. That's how I roll...
Everyday con-goers in their finery.
The lovely and talented couple, Tony and Kay Steele!
Don Higgins-- good friend and creator of the "Dark Magic and Donuts" web comic
A few random everyday con-goers doing random every day con-goer things.
Matt Stawicki interview!
wow that one girl is really blue
Jeremy is my favourite!
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