Thursday, March 19, 2015
Episode 129--- Kickstarting another episode...
In this latest episode, we join Socar Myles, Kieran Yanner, Patrick McEvoy, Drew Baker, and Jeremy McHugh as they discuss their latest goings-on.
Patrick shares his experiences working on projects crowd-funded via kickstarter .
Check out his new collaboration with 01Publishing, "Casefile: Arkham" on Kickstarter!
Catch up with the Ninjas!
Listen to Episode 129
Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes or we will swap your eyedrops with Crazy Glue.
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ALWAYS great to hear a new episode guys!! :D
Jeremy, don't even edit anything ever.
I would rather have more episodes, raw and uncut!! I actually like the candid feel of the show.
Socar, don't forget that you can swear, since you guys changed to "explicit" right? I enjoy the rants with expletives intact ;)
Patrick, epic pun this episode.! I was figuratively ROFLing! also congrats on the kickstarter which i see ended and funded 3 days ago!!
great to hear Drew back in the mix with various tech. tips!
peace and love and thanks to all ninjas, even the mostly silent Kieran!
I wonder if any one else is having trouble downloading your podcast via itunes recently. I follow a lot of podcasts and yours is the only one that fails during downloading. this started with your previous episode so I am at a loss as to what has changed with the audio files :(
I also clicked on your ninja mountain link at the top of the page lookng for contact info and it looks like it goes to an asian pornsite now...ouch!
Fun episode! I have a couple of questions for the ninjas - how often do you use models in your work? What sort of things do you do to "up your game"?
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