Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Scott Purdy News

Well I'm about to start working on another set of Warhammer Roleplaying Game artwork for Green Ronin and Black Industries and I'm really excited about being a part of this particular project, Children of the Horned Rat: A Guide to Skaven... Who wouldn't love drawing Skaven eh?! :)

I'm also working on a small project for an up-and-coming RPG company... more on that soon!
Andrew from Steam Power Publishing has contacted me recently to work on their Etherscope supplement, more on that soon, too!
My work is featured, alongside Eric Lofgren in Malhavoc Press' Arcana Evolved: Spell Treasury, available next month.

JAGS has just released it's JAGS Wonderland RPG featuring Scott's, Eric's and Ralph's artwork

Another up and coming release featuring my work is Realms of Scorcery, a WFRP supplement, also featuring an amazing cover by Ralph Horsley.

Visit Sean K Reynolds site to see our latest colaboration on Monster of the Month here:

Visit my website too, where I've had a bit of an overhaul and added more colour artwork!: